Display Automaton

Creating an in-house Display system

My Role

Design Strategy
Design & Process Management
Creative Production


50-75% of the work being outsourced was returned by a vendor with design incorrect from reference images and image compression issues.


Evaluate the current process and find ways to remove redundancy and increase production quality.

The template build

First, the creative team templatized hero designs and animations standards for the season.

Then the development team builds out Html 5 hero templates.

Next step, production

Creative developed a 4 layer setup with artboards for perfect slicing.

Export was set up with command functions for no human interaction for slicing.

Files are then exported into an index file with a clear naming convention that seemly attached to the hero Html5 templates.

The last team would do a check to see if any alterations need to be made.

Then final export

We managed to save $600,000 per year and enhanced the quality of work.

  • We brought the work all in house

  • We leverage Adobe Libraries and action scripts

  • Image compression was enhanced.

  • Tagline copy is either live HTML or SVG to maintain crispness.

  • Clear branded animation style.

  • This increased team productivity to 70 to 120 individual display jobs a month.